76 research outputs found

    Odlučivanje bazirano na premium principu u prospekt teoriji predstavljeno neaditivnim integralima

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    Promotion of the cultural heritage of Mediterranean city in the scope of upgrading cultural tourism

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    World and especially European trends of tourist economy are mainly focused on development of diversity in cultural tourism. Cultural tourism is a complex of numerous activities that enables not only the affirmation of cultural-historic motives, but also provides important resources for renewal of cultural-historic monuments, tangible and intangible heritage and resources. Today, there is no serious and ambitious country that does not prefer development of tourism in its development strategies as a planetary phenomenon and development sector. This specially refers to cultural tourism, as a competitive segment, based on local authenticity, unique areas, urban entities and ambiance, different historic layers and monuments, local tradition, myths and customs, affirmative mentality of population, geographic and ecological resources, in brief - complex and original identity of its area and its population. Cultural tourism in Montenegro has a modest tradition and only recently through valuable but sporadic initiatives and encouragements from Europe, attempts to valorize its own potentials, making them competitive through creative projects and programs. It is most certainly that the Montenegrin coast is a deeply settled part of complex Mediterranean cultural sphere that possesses certain characteristics which marks it as a unique cultural space in which different historical, geographic, confessional and other influences from surroundings intersect, predefining it for development of cultural tourism. This paper represents an effort to create a professional study report, although limited to single destination - city of Budva that treats cultural tourism in correlation with evaluation of renewal and use of cultural-historic and built heritage. From the mentioned reasons and within described context, this paper tends to be a small, but precisely created contribution to the future actions of creating complex tourist offer at Montenegrin coast, especially in Budva as its 'capital', as it is often emphasized with reasonable expectations in public.

    Phytoplankton dynamics and the phenomenon of bloom of cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens in the Vrutci reservoir

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    Akumulacije predstavljaju važan vodni resurs namenjen dugoročnom snabdevanju vodom za piće, ali uprkos tome ne postoji adekvatan plan njihove zaštite. Predmet ove doktorske disertacije jeste praćenje prostorne i vremenske dinamike fitoplanktona akumulacije Vrutci, sa posebnim osvrtom na dinamiku potencijalno toksične cijanobakterije Planktothrix rubescens. Analiza je obuhvatala utvrđivanje sastava, brojnosti i biomase fitoplanktona na tri lokaliteta (Vodozahvat, Nikolići i Omar) i duž vodenog stuba tokom perioda od decembra 2013. do decembra 2015. godine. Pored toga praćeni su i osnovni fizički i (bio)hemijski parametri, takođe po mesecima i po dubini. Osnovni cilj studije je bio prikaz prostorne i vremenske dinamike vrste P. rubescens, otkrivanje najznačajnijih parametara odgvornih za njenu proliferaciju u akumulaciji, kao i procena uticaja „cvetanja“ ove cijanobakterije na dinamiku ostalih članova fitoplanktonske zajednice. Najveća brojnost i biomasa P. rubescens zabeležene su u julu 2015. godine na 6 m dubine (963855 ćel/ml odnosno 30,23 mm3/l) na lokalitetu Vodozahvat. Rezultati su pokazali da su temperatura vode i stabilnost vodene kolone faktori koji u najvećoj meri određuju rast P. rubescens, kao i da ova cijanobakterija ima uticaj na dinamiku drugih algi i cijanobakterija. P. rubescens je tokom perioda stratifikacije formirala metalimnionski maksimum hlorofila a praćen maksimumom koncentracije kiseonika (supersaturacija). Takođe, rezultati su pokazali da rast P. rubescens nije bio toliko uslovljen koncentracijom ispitivanih nutrijenata, iako je akumulacija u proseku bila eutrofna. Neophodno je sprovođenje organizovanog monitoringa osnovnih parametara kvaliteta vode, kao i redovno praćenje vertikalne distribucije biomase P. rubescens u akumulaciji Vrutci.Reservoirs represent an important water resource intended for long-term supply, but despite that, there is no adequate plan for their protection. The subject of this dissertation is the survey of spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton of the Vrutci reservoir, with special reference to the dynamics of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens. The analysis included determining the composition, abundance and biomass of phytoplankton at three sites (Vodozahvat, Nikolići i Omar) and along the water column during the period from December 2013 to December 2015. In addition, the basic physical and (bio)chemical parameters were also monitored by months and by depth. The aim of the study was to review the spatial and temporal dynamics of P. rubescens, to discover the most important parameters of its blooming in the reservoir and to assess the impact of this cyanobacterium on other members of phytoplankton. The highest abundance and biomass of P. rubescens were recorded in July 2015 at a depth of 6 m (963,855 cells/ml and 30.23 mm3/l, respectively) at the Vodozahvat. The results showed that water temperature and water column stability are the factors that largely determine the growth of P. rubescens, and that this cyanobacterium has a great influence on the dynamics of other algae and cyanobacteria. P. rubescens formed a metalimnion maximum of chlorophyll a during the stratification period, followed by a maximum of oxygen concentration (supersaturation). Also, the results showed that the growth of P. rubescens was not so much conditioned by the concentration of the nutrients, although the reservoir was eutrophic on average. It is necessary to conduct organized monitoring of the basic parameters of water quality as well as regular monitoring of the vertical distribution of P. rubescens biomass in the Vrutci reservoir

    Constitutional framework of referendum in the Republic of Croatia: the current situation and future challenges

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    U radu se analiziraju osnovna obilježja temeljnog i najviše primjenjivanog oblika neposredne (izravne) demokracije – referenduma, te osnovna obilježja postojećeg ustavnopravnog okvira referenduma u Republici Hrvatskoj. Odlučivanje birača na referendumu Ustavom Republike Hrvatske u nekim je bitnim pitanjima regulirano kao obvezatno (udruživanje i razdruživanje), dok je u drugima regulirano kao fakultativno. S obzirom na dosadašnju praksu referenduma u Hrvatskoj, poseban naglasak u radu stavljamo na poseban oblik referenduma koji je u hrvatski pravni poredak uveden Promjenom Ustava iz 2000. godine. Upravo je uvođenje referenduma narodne inicijative u obliku rješenja koje je po širini područja i po uvjetima primjene nepoznato razvijenim demokracijama pokazalo kako jedan institut koji može i treba imati pozitivan utjecaj na razvoj demokracije i demokratske političke kulture istovremeno može ugroziti temelje suvremene demokracije. Upravo zato, cilj je ovoga rada ukazati na nedorečenosti i manjkavosti ustavnopravnog okvira referenduma u Hrvatskoj, te predložiti neka rješenja koja će eventualne mogućnosti manipuliranja u bilo kojem smislu svesti na najmanju moguću mjeru.The paper analyses the bacis characteristics of the fundamental and the most applicable form of direct democracy – referendum, and the basic characteristics of the existing constitutional framework of referendum in the Republic of Croatia. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia there is one case of a mandatory referendum (entering into alliances with other states or of dissolution thereof), and in other cases referendum is facultative. Having in mind the previous practice of referendum in Croatia, the special emphasis in the paper is on the special form of referendum which is introduced in Croatian legal framework with the Revision of the Constitution in 2000. The introduction of the citizen-initiated referendum in a solution that is according to conditions of its application unknown to developed democracies has shown that one institute that can and should have a positive impact on the development od democray and of democratic political culture can simultaneously jeopardize the foundations of modern democracy. In this context, the aim of this paper is to point to the shortcomings of the constitutional framework of referendum in Croatia, and to propose some solutions that will minimize possibility of abusing of direct democractic decision-making

    The diffusion of participatory planning ideas and practices: the case of socialist Yugoslavia, 1961-1982

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    Although both praised and contested for its advanced conceptual elaboration and ineffective practical implementation, respectively, participatory planning has largely been considered a Yugoslav national legacy and a point of diversification compared with other similar contexts. However, there has been little research on the roots and features of public participation as observed through the lens of international influences on Yugoslav spatial and urban planning. By identifying the main channels (professional networks and events) and nodes (planning organizations and documents) in the diffusion of participatory planning ideas at both the international and national levels, we trace the evolution of citizen participation discourse in Yugoslavia. Based on archival research of the relevant documents (selected articles in professional journals, decrees, and plans), the paper examines the authenticity of the concept of citizen participation in Yugoslavia to, finally, elucidate the specificities of its implementation in the context of socialist self-management

    Passive agents or genuine facilitators of citizen participation? The role of urban planners under the Yugoslav self-management socialism

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    Socialist Yugoslavia refrained from the polarisation provoked by the Cold War. Besides turning back to the war ally of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1948 to take the leading position in the non-aligned movement in 1961, Yugoslavia followed a distinct path of socialism known as self-management, an emancipatory project in pursuit of a democratic socialist society. As such, Yugoslavia was assigned different roles and attributes: for sure, it was a melting pot of criticism (from both East and West); more positive prospects saw it as a hybrid between East and West; inevitably, Yugoslavia was condemned to be somewhat distanced from both power centres, thus being a periphery to both East and West. Though the periphery is challenging to de!ne due to the heterogeneity of the countries forming it (Becker et al. 2010), during the Cold War, southeast Europe (SEE) has mainly been considered a periphery to the western world (Göler 2005). Despite the existence of the so-called Western European peripheral countries, the absence of capitalism was considered the most in"uential parameter for diversifying SEE from the West (Bohle and Greskovits 2012; Bohle 2018). However, due to unstable political relations between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the latter was considered detached from the communist ideology, too. This was particularly seen in the architectural and planning discourse, which after 1948 was informed almost exclusively by Western sources, while references to the communist bloc became exceedingly rare (Kulić 2009). Although nowadays the so-called Western Balkans region (that largely coincides with the former Yugoslavia) is considered to be a “super-periphery” (Bartlett and Prica 2013), in the Cold War period, Yugoslavia “was softening the contrast between socialism and capitalism, between the planned economy and the free market, and between liberal democracy and the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’” (Kulić 2009:129)..

    Les espaces publics et la vie publique à Belgrade au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle et leur transformation au XXe siècle

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    Panorama historique sur l’urbanisme de Belgrade depuis le XVIe siècle.Historical panorama on the urbanism of Belgrade from the 16th c

    150 година од Јосимовићевог предлога за регулисање београдске вароши у шанцу

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    The next year it will be 150 years of the first proposal for the regulation of the „Belgrade’s Town in a Moat“ - the oldest urban entity in Belgrade recognized by the same name in the current Master Plan of Belgrade. It was developed by Emilijan Josimovic, who is considered as the first Serbian urbanist and who gave detailed description of the plan in his book ’Explanation of the Proposal for the Regulation of the Belgrade’s Town Part Lying in a Moat’. The book was published in 1867. with its main aim to give recommendations for urban development of Belgrade’s town. Josimovic’s plan emerged at the same time when for a number of cities in Western Europe – Barcelona, Vienna, Budapest, Amsterdam the extensions of their territories beyond the original boundaries were planned. It was a general trend of modernization and urbanization which in the case of Belgrade could be considered as a specific type of transformation from oriental to modern European town. Josimovic’s proposal envisages the regulation and transformation of a street system by its conversion from irregular matrice into a regular, orthogonal block structure which would enable consistent development, implementation of infrastructure and traffc facilities. The urban matrice created according to the Josimovic’s plan has maintained up to date and served as the basis for the development of elements of physical structure that makes the main substance of the today’s protected Historical Core of Belgrade. Considering the far-reaching contributions of Josimovic’s work, we remind the scientific and professional community on this important anniversary, hoping that series of activities during 2017. will contribute to revealing of Josimovic’s work, especially by giving it a contemporary perspective.Наредне, 2017. године, напуниће се тачно 150 година од доношења предлога за први регулациони план за Београд, односно његов део који се данас приближно поклапа са границама најстарије урбанистичке целине у Београду - Вароши у шанцу. Аутор овог предлога и плана је Емилијан Јосимовић, који даје детаљно образложење плана у књизи под називом „Објашњење предлога за регулисање оног дела вароши Београда што лежи у шанцу, са једним литографским планом”. Јосимовићева књига изашла је 1867. године, са основним циљем да се за оријенталну варош Београд дају смернице за урбани развој у складу са тада модерним европским тенденцијама. Јосимовићев план појавио се у исто време када се за велики број западноевропских градова - Барселону, Беч, Будимпешту, Амстердам, доносе планови проширења првобитних граница града, у складу са општим трендом урбанизације, која је у случају Београда имала специфичан облик трансформације из оријенталне вароши у европски модеран град. Јосимовић је најпре предложио регулисање и трансформисање урбане матрице од неправилне мреже улица у правилну, ортогоналну, блоковску структуру која би омогућила усклађен развој, пласирање инфраструктуре и функционисање саобраћајне мреже. Улична матрица која је касније формирана на основу Јосимовићевог плана одржала се у великој мери до данас и послужила као основа за развој физичке структуре која данас чини основни елемент заштићеног Историјског језгра Београда. Имајући у виду значај и далекосежне последице Јосимовићевог дела, подсећамо научну и стручну јавност на важност овог јубилеја, у нади да ће низ активности током 2017. године допринети оживљавању Јосимовићевог дела.III International Conference, held 12-13 May 2016 in Sremski KarlovciEditor: Dubravka Đukanovi